The latest information about Capital Machinery Limited
Congratulations to Alan for being awarded the Best Employee of November at CML! We extend our gratitude to Alan for his assistance in various company activities and his excellent communication skills across departments, contributing to the efficient operation of the company. His professionalism and enthusiastic attitude in providing top-notch service to every client have not gone unnoticed. Once again, thank you, Alan, for your dedicated efforts.
Come and take a look ! ! Attention to all friends interested in CML, it's been a few months since our headquarters inauguration ceremony this year. Many friends are curious about our office environment. Guess what ! ~~ We have specially created a video to showcase our headquarters environment, allowing everyone to take a quick tour with us into CML located in Guandu, Taipei. Let's go!"
上個月的【醫療協專題研討會】來到了 📍高雄醫學大學附設中和紀念醫院 協會在這次的研討會非常用心準備了醫療相關的儀器和設備的專題演講,#中華機械 也有機會可以到現場跟大家分享 #CAT發電機 醫院是人們求治和護理的重要場所,電力供應在醫療照護中不可或缺。不可避免的停電可能由災害、故障或電網問題引起,醫院需可靠備用電源,其中CAT發電機最為關鍵。CAT發電機提供高效能和可靠的電力,確保在停電時醫院能持續運作。結合不斷電系統,保障穩定電力,優先供應維生及醫療負載,確保病人安全和醫療順暢。在現代醫療中,CAT發電機和不斷電系統的關注與投資尤為重要。 了解更多CAT發電機產品➡
中華機械與ENGTEK的合作,將不僅帶動台灣電動船舶產業的發展,更有望在全球範圍內樹立榜樣。這次攜手,是對未來的承諾,也是對環境永續發展的貢獻。期待這項合作能夠為台灣帶來更清潔、高效、綠色的海上交通體系,引領台灣走向更加可持續的未來。 船舶電力推進系統 POD 是一種具有節能環保、操控靈活等優點的新型推進系統。隨著船舶環保要求的提高,POD 推進系統將在船舶領域得到更廣泛的應用。
Original import, direct delivery to the site!! This time, at the request of our international client, Zhonghua Machinery has imported the CAT 773G model from the United States. From arrival in Hong Kong to dismantling, packing, and shipping, we uphold a commitment to top-notch professional service, dedicating ourselves to fulfilling our customer's needs! We sincerely thank our clients for their affirmation, granting us the opportunity to introduce the brand-new CAT 773G. We also welcome other clients with similar requirements to contact Zhonghua Machinery, allowing us to contribute to the success of your engineering operations!
Last month, China Machinery had the privilege of welcoming a group of energetic and curious students for a visit to our headquarters in Guandu, Taipei. It was an exciting moment and an opportunity to share our brand values and technological achievements with the younger generation. From our core values to the latest technological developments, we aimed to inspire their interest in future career paths while allowing them to experience the dedication and innovation that have been integral to China Machinery. We hope that this visit leaves each student with pleasant and fulfilling memories, anticipating a future where China Machinery and all the students can work together and continue to strive for excellence. Let's keep moving forward together!